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Bring Me The Horizon, Count Your Blessings Full Album Zip: Experience the Raw Power and Emotion of t


I attended last Saturday's service at ALCF, where Pastor Wayne stated that Pastor Paul had confessed his moral failure to his wife about 4 months ago, that they've been working out the issues over time, that they've been reconciled to each other, and that he can solidly say that now they are truly blessed - meaning their marriage is well on the way to restoration. I am very happy to hear that God is healing their marriage. It's definitely the work of a merciful God to bring brokenness back to wholeness.Having heard that Pastor Paul had confessed as early as 4 months ago, I recalled a very somber and serious sermon he gave around that time where he said God makes it clear throughout the Bible that sexual immorality is wrong, but that REPENTANCE IS THE KEY TO GETTING RIGHT WITH GOD. He further said that after acknowledging before God what you've done wrong, and making a mindful, non-emotional, decision to turn away from that wrong, we should then "let God take care of the details."At first, I was sad thinking about how much Pastor Paul has chosen to give up: 20 years of building one of the most unique churches in the world - one that crosses cultural, ethnic, socioeconomic, political barriers - and massive ministries that have helped thousands of lives to be brought closer to God.But now I am encouraged to know that Pastor Paul is living out his exhortations, fully owning up to the consequences of his wrong-doing, and is now faithfully putting his life in the hands of God to take care of his massive "details." I know God is at work in dealing with this MESS. So I can't wait to hear what kind of MESSage Pastor Paul has to give in the future!Philippians 1:3-6"I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

2Th 2:9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, 2Th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2Th 2:12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness. In context, God raises false prophets to show them, leaders and the flock for what they are. It's as simple as that. When you don't love the truth as it is in Christ, God Himself will give you over to a strong delusion. God raises delusions!! Don't be quick to overlook Mr Sheppard's sin b/c if you do that, then you'll open the door to all sorts of abominations to come and lead the flock.To use David and other OT failures to justify sin is mishandling the word of God. You fail to acknowledge the admonishments of 1 Timothy, Titus and 2 Peter 2 regarding how leaders should conduct themselves and specifically in the 2 Peter 2 account is an exposition on how false prophets act. If God opens your eyes you'll be able to draw parallels. The small book of Jude is a source of how false leaders are too. The prayer is that God will deal with Mr Sheppard's sin in the privacy of his dilemma. I'm referring to the sin of mishandling the truth to build his church moreso then the adultery. If God is dealing with him, there is hope. God, if He's willing, can fix the dishonesty of 'salvation by making a decision for Jesus' equating it to 'fire insurance'. How abominable!I'm appealing to those who truly have a reverance for God and the truth of the bible and pray that from this event, may God according to His pleasure and His will, bring many to the true light and ultimately give all Glory to Himself. This is something only God can do!!I'm speaking as someone who was deluded under this ministry until by the mercy and grace of God, He plucked me out of this mess. Unfortunately, I still have many friends and family under this ministry. I could only pray and hope.Please if you still are a ALCF attendee ask yourself every time you leave a sermon, 'Do I know Christ a little better? His offices? His work? What He really accomplished on Calvary? Has the preacher exposed Christ coming in the volume of the book from Genesis to Revelations?' - If the preacher is not answering these questions, cry out to God to have mercy and lead you to where you can get fed!If you 'see red' after reading my comments, I do not apologise. Check out if what I'm saying has any validity!May God have Mercy.PD.

Bring Me The Horizon, Count Your Blessings Full Album Zip

In Pastor Paul's series titled Lessons From a Moral Failure he said "If you're going to live right, you have to be harder on yourself than other people. Some of us have a mouth full of criticism for other folk, but if you want to live right you have to be your own worse critic. You have to hold yourself to a tight line, be easier on other people 'cause you're not answering to God for them you're answering to God for you". In his Practical Faith for Daily Living Part II he said, "Don't look for people who are perfect, don't look for a church that's perfect and don't look for a small group, a prayer group or an accountability group that's perfect. You'll mess yourself up you know why, 'cause there is no such thing. You won't find a group of perfect people. If you happen to find one and YOU join [listeners LOL]there goes the neighborhood [more laughter]. We know Jesus is LORD and the tiny snippet of sermons above is what we miss about Pastor Paul's teaching ministry that helped so many learn how to apply God's Word in a practical manner on a daily basis.

I have attended dozens of Christian churches, fellowships, and bible study groups for decades in many different states where I lived throughout the United States. What Pastor Paul taught was true to God's Word in the Holy Bible, just as many of the other pastors, preachers, and teachers were. I know this, not because I blindly follow what other people say or how they interpret things and not because I am the follower of a cult. I know this because I've read the Holy Bible. What Pastor Paul taught was real; it is valid not because he talked a good talk or walked a good walk (although they can be quite helpful encouragers) - but because it agreed with God's Word.I mourn for Pastor Paul's falling just as I have mourned over the sins and mistakes I've made in the past. But God has proven that He is full of mercy and grace.There is a wonderful hope for those who are in Christ: He is faithful to forgive our contrite hearts, to restore our broken lives, and to bring us back into peace with God and even our enemies. I know this because God said so in the Holy Bible and because He has done such a work in my life. Time after time, God has also helped people understand this wonderful truth through the ministries of countless pastors, preachers, teachers, leaders and even regular folks who were/are strangely human like the rest of us, including our dear Pastor Paul.My whole family deeply misses Pastor Paul, and we pray for God to do a good work in and through him.

I have caught up on all the postings here. I have been reading them out loud to my lovely bride of 40 years. The "accusers of the brethren" seem to have faded, and love continues unabated. Oh Lord, may Pastor Paul be reading these comments. There is so much love, so much fruit of his ministry on display. Consequences, Restoration, Plan B's, Healing; they are all on display. Lord Jesus, restore your servant Pastor Paul Sheppard, heal his family, bring his lovely wife and tremendously beautiful children into full reconciliation with your servant. Help him and them to get up, get going, and get done with the wonderful walk, and the next part of Plan A or a Plan B or whatever we choose to call it. Put the fire of the Holy Spirit in their lives, and let Pastor Paul burn brightly once again and let him be supported by one of the most wonderful, sweet, women I have ever met (and his kids too!). For Jesus sake, and in His Name, many of us pray. Amen!!

ALCF member - thank you for your comments and your concerns. You are only protecting the church you attend and what you have built a part of your life on and that's understandable. I too was in your position, as mentioned in an earlier post, am an ex-ALCF member until things didn't 'seem quite right'. It's hard to see pass the success of numbers, aesthetics and friendliness and count that as fruit. In fact ALCF prides themselves as being a friendly, welcoming and hospitable church and so they should because they are!However, what good is friendliness etc if it's not built on the truth of the bible as it is in Christ? People from other religions are friendly and welcoming too. In fact some of the kindest people I know are unbelievers. I left ALCF cos I wanted to learn more about Christ, His Accomplishments, His Work, His Story - not mines, or my neighbors or even the pastors...I wanted to hear about Christ.So, God has a biblical framework in how He feeds His sheep thru preachers and teachers that God Himself chooses and teaches and keeps them so that they'll be able to teach His Word with integrity. Rom 10:14 How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? Rom 10:15 And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! Joh 6:44 No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day. Joh 6:45 It is written in the prophets, And they shall be all taught of God. Every man therefore that hath heard, and hath learned of the Father, cometh unto me. As for 'restoring fallen leaders' - I understand that you want to restore your pastor. But the bible and history teaches us, that they will not be restored to the same capacity - not an authentic restoration anyway. David's restoration was never the same. The question really is, are you satisfied to hear the truth of the bible from another pastor or does it have to be PP?...Do you want to hear Truth in Christ?By Grace Alone, In Christ Alone, Thru Faith Alone...and Scriptures Alone. PD.



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