A univentricular circulation describes a congenital heart defect where a biventricular repair is not possible [5]. The Fontan repair offers offloading of the single ventricle and improvement in oxygenation at the expense of low cardiac output and increased systemic venous pressure. In a Fontan circulation there is no pump to propel the blood into the pulmonary arteries since the systemic veins are directly connected to the pulmonary arteries [5]. The postcapillary energy is used to drive blood through the lungs, though hampered by the pulmonary impedance. Therefore, pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) is the key factor influencing normal ventricular filling and in turn cardiac output (CO), rather than the contractility of the ventricle itself, as expected in a biventricular physiology [5].
Physiology Of Normal Puerperium 14.pdf